AOCUSA is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company. The company achieved its certification in 1995 from KPMG Quality Registrar which is accredited by the American National Standards Institute–American Society For Quality Control, and upgraded to 9001:2008 in 2010 with certification from Orion Registrar Inc. U.S.A.
The International Standards Organization (ISO) is headquartered in Switzerland. It has developed a generic set of quality management standards designed to provide a framework for developing quality assurance management practices within the workplace.
The ISO system improves quality by assuring that all activities are planned, work practices are performed in predetermined ways, and there are clearly defined channels for communication of information and instructions. The system works because the procedures to perform every task that can affect quality are documented, personnel are trained and appropriate documents are maintained. The system is constantly being reviewed and tries to focus on removing the cause of poor quality by regulating the importance of materials and workmanship as they enter the work flow, not afterwards.
Why is certification important to AOCUSA and what is the value? We see it as an orderly approach to managing our business. That translates to improved eficiency and quality. The value is improved product quality and re-work levels, as well as improved customer satisfaction. Improved quality is a competitive tool, it helps us grow our business.
ISO certification means improved quality and service, and improved confidence in the products purchased from us. Knowing that AOCUSA provides a uniform, high quality product allows our customer to focus on their objectives: making more sales.
Lubricating Specialties, an ISO 9001:2008 Registered Company, is dedicated to achieving our Primary Goal: “To supply customers with products that conform to quality requirements, provide customers with on-time delivery, meet customer needs and champion continuous improvement.”
For more information on our ISO certification or our quality systems, please contact us.